On-site Training Courses

On-site training courses

A cost effective way to train your staff.

This may be your own premises or another suitable training location that is convenient for you. If you do not have a venue available we can explore options and potentially offer you the use of our training venue in Blaydon.  

The On-site training option is particularly cost effective to those who have several people requiring training at the same time. In addition to this there are several other benefits to organising an On-site First Aid course:

  • Choosing your own venue gives greater convenience.
  • Travelling and accommodation costs can be removed or reduced.
  • The course content can be tailored to your exact requirements.
  • Businesses and organisations can choose a suitable time to run their course.

Our On-site Training Courses

We aim to provide you with up to date information which is relevant to you and your staff. Our courses can be tailored to meet your requirements, therefore making them more industry-specific.

Our trainers are passionate about teaching First Aid and enjoy delivering training in a relaxed environment which will enable you or your staff to learn more and be more prepared in an emergency situation.

First aid training

Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) 6 hours

Participants will gain all the background knowledge you will need to take charge in a First Aid emergency in the workplace.

This course is ideal for people who work in low risk working environments. It will equip individuals with emergency first aid skills. Participants will gain all the background knowledge you will need to take charge in a first aid emergency in the workplace.

A range of subjects are covered including:

• Responsibilities and reporting
• Assessment of the situation
• Dealing with an unresponsive casualty
• Basic hygiene in First Aid
• Burns
• Epilepsy
• Resuscitation
• Anatomy
• Minor injuries
• Bleeding control
• Choking
• Shock

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First aid training

Blended First Aid at Work Course (BFAW) 18 hours (6hrs eLearn + 12hrs)

The eLearn aspect of this course can be completed on any PC or mobile device. Learners can study at their own pace, and log in and out as often as they wish.

This First Aid at Work eLearning module allows learners to complete the full 18 hour First Aid at Work qualification as a blended course.

Duration: Approximately 6 hours online and 12 hours face to face.

Access: The eLearn aspect of this course can be completed on any PC or mobile device. Learners can study at their own pace, and log in and out as often as they wish.

1. Appeals to all learning styles with interactive quizzes, video and audio features.
2. Allows learners to work at their own pace, testing their knowledge as they progress through the course.
3. Provides a very thorough resource for those with English as a Second Language to equip them with the vocabulary, language skills and confidence to pass a practical course.

Assessment: Self checks after each section of the course and an end of course multiple choice assessment*.

Certification: On successful completion, learners can download a certificate as evidence that they have passed the course.

Accreditation: This course has been approved by the FAIB (First Aid Industry Body) and a number of Awarding Organisations. Please contact us for details.

*For enhanced quality assurance, it is strongly recommended that the eLearning module is completed prior to the practical face to face training day to ensure that learners have the opportunity to ask their trainer any questions about what they have learned and so that the trainer can test learners’ knowledge in the classroom before issuing the Full First Aid at Work certificate.

View Sample Lessons:

CPR and AED for an adult

Choking Adult

Extremes of Temperature

Course Information:

This course is ideal for people who work in higher risk working environments, or for those who would like to learn about a wider range of first aid emergencies.  This course suits those who work in more hazardous work environments. The course provides practical role play and demonstrations to build the individual’s confidence and knowledge when faced with a first aid emergency. Once you have completed this course you will be able to:

  • Understand the role of a First Aider
  • Decide what you need in your First Aid Kit
  • Assess the area / situation in order to act safely and effectively in an emergency.
  • Provide First Aid to an individual who is unconscious (Breathing and Non-Breathing)
  • Administer Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and understand how to operate an AED
  • Perform a Top to Toe Survey and place the casualty in the Recovery Position
  • Treat for Bleeding, Burns, Fractures
  • Identify when somebody is suffering from a Heart Attack / Angina Attack or Stroke
  • Treat somebody who is Choking
  • Provide First Aid for Chest, Spinal, and Head Injuries
  • Recognise Signs & Symptoms and be able to Treat an Anaphylactic Shock
  • Provide effective First Aid for Diabetes and Epilepsy
  • Understand and treat for different Temperature Issues
  • Understand and treat Asthma and Hyperventilation
  • Identify and treat Soft Tissue Injuries, Nosebleeds and Eye Injuries
  • Provide First Aid for Poisoning, Bites & Stings
  • Understand and identify other common workplace injuries / illnesses


A practical assessment will take place on the final day of the course, which will include CPR, Dealing with an Unconscious Casualty, and Incident Management. A certificate approved by the F.A.I.B. (First Aid Industry Body) – which complies with the HSE’s First Aid training policy – will be issued on successful completion of the course. The certificate is valid for 3 years from the date of the training. An appropriate First Aid training manual will also be issued.

£180 + VAT

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First aid training

First Aid at Work
(FAW) 18 hours

This course is ideal for people who work in higher risk working environments, or for those who would like to learn about a wider range of first aid emergencies.

This course is ideal for people who work in higher risk working environments, or for those who would like to learn about a wider range of first aid emergencies.  This course suits those who work in more hazardous work environments. The course provides practical role play and demonstrations to build the individual’s confidence and knowledge when faced with a first aid emergency. Once you have completed this course you will be able to:

  • Understand the role of a First Aider
  • Decide what you need in your First Aid Kit
  • Assess the area / situation in order to act safely and effectively in an emergency.
  • Provide First Aid to an individual who is unconscious (Breathing and Non-Breathing)
  • Administer Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and understand how to operate an AED
  • Perform a Top to Toe Survey and place the casualty in the Recovery Position
  • Treat for Bleeding, Burns, Fractures
  • Identify when somebody is suffering from a Heart Attack / Angina Attack or Stroke
  • Treat somebody who is Choking
  • Provide First Aid for Chest, Spinal, and Head Injuries
  • Recognise Signs & Symptoms and be able to Treat an Anaphylactic Shock
  • Provide effective First Aid for Diabetes and Epilepsy
  • Understand and treat for different Temperature Issues
  • Understand and treat Asthma and Hyperventilation
  • Identify and treat Soft Tissue Injuries, Nosebleeds and Eye Injuries
  • Provide First Aid for Poisoning, Bites & Stings
  • Understand and identify other common workplace injuries / illnesses

A practical assessment will take place on the final day of the course, which will include CPR, Dealing with an Unconscious Casualty, and Incident Management. A certificate approved by the F.A.I.B. (First Aid Industry Body) – which complies with the HSE’s First Aid training policy – will be issued on successful completion of the course. The certificate is valid for 3 years from the date of the training. An appropriate First Aid training manual will also be issued.

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First aid training

Blended First Aid at Work Refresher Course (BFAWR) 12 hours

he eLearn aspect of this course can be completed on any PC or mobile device. Learners can study at their own pace, and log in and out as often as they wish.

This eLearning module has been designed to give learners the theoretical knowledge needed to accompany a practical face to face training day. It meets all EYFS/Ofsted requirements.

Duration: Approximately 6 hours online and 6 hours face to face.

Access: The eLearn aspect of this course can be completed on any PC or mobile device. Learners can study at their own pace, and log in and out as often as they wish.

1. Appeals to all learning styles with interactive quizzes, video and audio features.
2. Allows learners to work at their own pace, testing their knowledge as they progress through the course.
3. Provides a very thorough resource for those with English as a Second Language to equip them with the vocabulary, language skills and confidence to pass a practical course.

Assessment: Self checks after each section of the course and an end of course multiple choice assessment*.

Certification: On successful completion, learners can download a certificate as evidence that they have passed the course.

Accreditation: This course has been approved by the FAIB (First Aid Industry Body) and a number of Awarding Organisations. Please contact us for details.

*For enhanced quality assurance, it is strongly recommended that the eLearning module is completed prior to the practical face to face training day to ensure that learners have the opportunity to ask their trainer any questions about what they have learned and so that the trainer can test learners’ knowledge in the classroom before issuing the Full First Aid at Work certificate.

View Sample Lessons:

CPR – Cardio Pulmonary resuscitation


Accident reporting

*For enhanced quality assurance, it is strongly recommended that the eLearning module is completed prior to the practical face to face training day to ensure that learners have the opportunity to ask their trainer any questions about what they have learned and so that the trainer can test learners’ knowledge in the classroom before issuing the Full Paediatric First Aid certificate.

Course Information:

This Paediatric course is designed for people who care for babies and children in any setting.  This could be a Nanny, Child-minder, Nursery worker, Pre-school worker, Teacher, or simply a parent or grandparent wanting to gain the skills needed to be prepared in any first aid situation.

The course meets Ofsted requirements for registered childminders and can be used as evidence for employees working towards an NVQ in Childcare and Education.

The course will help you to deal with accidents and emergencies involving babies and children (up to the age of 18 years), through theory sessions, demonstrations and role play. On completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Put together a first aid kit which meets your workplace requirements
  • Deal with a range of accidents
  • Administer First Aid to an unconscious baby or child (Breathing and Non-Breathing)
  • Provide effective CPR and understand how to operate an AED
  • Deal with a Choking baby and child
  • Administer First Aid for Shock
  • Deal with a child who suffers from Anaphylaxis
  • Provide First Aid for Bleeding and Wounds, Head Injuries, Burns and Scalds
  • Recognise Sickness and Fever
  • Administer First Aid for Fractures, Sprains and Strains
  • Provide First Aid for Head, Chest and Spinal Injuries
  • Deal with Asthma, Hyperventilation, Diabetic Emergencies and Febrile Convulsions
  • Recognise Poisoning, Bites and Stings
  • Recognise early signs of childhood illnesses, including Meningitis, Measles and Croup
  • Deal with many other common childhood Illnesses and Injuries

There is no final assessment on this course. Your trainer will provide an on-going assessment for each participant.

An FAIB approved Paediatric First Aid certificate will be issued on successful completion of the course. The certificate is valid for 3 years from the date of the training. An appropriate First Aid training manual will also be issued.

Please note: This course also qualifies a person to act as an ’Appointed Person’ for the purpose of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.

£90 + VAT

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First aid training

First Aid at Work Refresher (FAWR) 12 hours

This course is designed to refresh all the First Aid skills you gained on the 3 day First Aid at Work course.  This training includes theory and practical elements which are aimed to refresh your knowledge and skills.

This course is designed to refresh all the First Aid skills you gained on the 3 day First Aid at Work course.  This training includes theory and practical elements which are aimed to refresh your knowledge and skills.

A practical assessment will take place on the final day of the course, which will include CPR, Dealing with an Unconscious Casualty, and Incident Management.

To qualify for this course, your existing First Aid at Work certificate must be either in date, or no more than one month over expiry date. If you go over this extra month, then you must complete another initial 3 day First Aid at Work course.

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First aid training

Blended Paediatric First Aid Course (BPFA) 12 hours

The eLearn aspect of this course can be completed on any PC or mobile device. Learners can study at their own pace, and log in and out as often as they wish.

This eLearning module has been designed to give learners the theoretical knowledge needed to accompany a practical face to face training day. It meets all EYFS/Ofsted requirements.

Duration: Approximately 6 hours online and 6 hours face to face.

Access: The eLearn aspect of this course can be completed on any PC or mobile device. Learners can study at their own pace, and log in and out as often as they wish.

1. Appeals to all learning styles with interactive quizzes, video and audio features.
2. Allows learners to work at their own pace, testing their knowledge as they progress through the course.
3. Provides a very thorough resource for those with English as a Second Language to equip them with the vocabulary, language skills and confidence to pass a practical course.

Assessment: Self checks after each section of the course and an end of course multiple choice assessment*.

Certification: On successful completion, learners can download a certificate as evidence that they have passed the course.

Accreditation: This course has been approved by the FAIB (First Aid Industry Body) and a number of Awarding Organisations. Please contact us for details.

*For enhanced quality assurance, it is strongly recommended that the eLearning module is completed prior to the practical face to face training day to ensure that learners have the opportunity to ask their trainer any questions about what they have learned and so that the trainer can test learners’ knowledge in the classroom before issuing the Full First Aid at Work certificate.

View Sample Lessons:

CPR – Cardio Pulmonary resuscitation


Accident reporting

*For enhanced quality assurance, it is strongly recommended that the eLearning module is completed prior to the practical face to face training day to ensure that learners have the opportunity to ask their trainer any questions about what they have learned and so that the trainer can test learners’ knowledge in the classroom before issuing the Full Paediatric First Aid certificate.

Course Information:

This Paediatric course is designed for people who care for babies and children in any setting.  This could be a Nanny, Child-minder, Nursery worker, Pre-school worker, Teacher, or simply a parent or grandparent wanting to gain the skills needed to be prepared in any first aid situation.

The course meets Ofsted requirements for registered childminders and can be used as evidence for employees working towards an NVQ in Childcare and Education.

The course will help you to deal with accidents and emergencies involving babies and children (up to the age of 18 years), through theory sessions, demonstrations and role play. On completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Put together a first aid kit which meets your workplace requirements
  • Deal with a range of accidents
  • Administer First Aid to an unconscious baby or child (Breathing and Non-Breathing)
  • Provide effective CPR and understand how to operate an AED
  • Deal with a Choking baby and child
  • Administer First Aid for Shock
  • Deal with a child who suffers from Anaphylaxis
  • Provide First Aid for Bleeding and Wounds, Head Injuries, Burns and Scalds
  • Recognise Sickness and Fever
  • Administer First Aid for Fractures, Sprains and Strains
  • Provide First Aid for Head, Chest and Spinal Injuries
  • Deal with Asthma, Hyperventilation, Diabetic Emergencies and Febrile Convulsions
  • Recognise Poisoning, Bites and Stings
  • Recognise early signs of childhood illnesses, including Meningitis, Measles and Croup
  • Deal with many other common childhood Illnesses and Injuries

There is no final assessment on this course. Your trainer will provide an on-going assessment for each participant.

An FAIB approved Paediatric First Aid certificate will be issued on successful completion of the course. The certificate is valid for 3 years from the date of the training. An appropriate First Aid training manual will also be issued.

Please note: This course also qualifies a person to act as an ’Appointed Person’ for the purpose of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.

£90 + VAT

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First aid training

Paediatric First Aid
(PFA) 12 hours

This Paediatric course is designed for people who care for babies and children in any setting.



This Paediatric course is designed for people who care for babies and children in any setting.  This could be a Nanny, Child-minder, Nursery worker, Pre-school worker, Teacher, or simply a parent or grandparent wanting to gain the skills needed to be prepared in any first aid situation.

The course meets Ofsted requirements for registered childminders and can be used as evidence for employees working towards an NVQ in Childcare and Education.

The course will help you to deal with accidents and emergencies involving babies and children (up to the age of 18 years), through theory sessions, demonstrations and role play. On completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Put together a first aid kit which meets your workplace requirements
  • Deal with a range of accidents
  • Administer First Aid to an unconscious baby or child (Breathing and Non-Breathing)
  • Provide effective CPR and understand how to operate an AED
  • Deal with a Choking baby and child
  • Administer First Aid for Shock
  • Deal with a child who suffers from Anaphylaxis
  • Provide First Aid for Bleeding and Wounds, Head Injuries, Burns and Scalds
  • Recognise Sickness and Fever
  • Administer First Aid for Fractures, Sprains and Strains
  • Provide First Aid for Head, Chest and Spinal Injuries
  • Deal with Asthma, Hyperventilation, Diabetic Emergencies and Febrile Convulsions
  • Recognise Poisoning, Bites and Stings
  • Recognise early signs of childhood illnesses, including Meningitis, Measles and Croup
  • Deal with many other common childhood Illnesses and Injuries

There is no final assessment on this course. Your trainer will provide an on-going assessment for each participant.

An FAIB approved Paediatric First Aid certificate will be issued on successful completion of the course. The certificate is valid for 3 years from the date of the training. An appropriate First Aid training manual will also be issued.

Please note: This course also qualifies a person to act as an ’Appointed Person’ for the purpose of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.

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CPR first aid training on a doll infant

Emergency Paediatric First Aid (EPFA) 6 hours

This one-day Emergency Paediatric First Aid course has been designed for those who have an interest in child and infant basic life support.



If you have a professional interest, i.e. you are a child-minder or school teacher, etc, then this course partly fulfils the requirements of Ofsted and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Ofsted and the Early Years Foundation Stage require you to have 12 hours of paediatric first aid training, so the 2-Day Level 3 Award in Paediatric First Aid would be required to fulfil their requirements. This 6 hour qualification also makes up the first half of the 12-hour course.


  • Responsibilities and reporting
  • Resuscitation
  • Dealing with an unresponsive casualty
  • Minor injuries
  • Assessment of the situation
  • Epilepsy
  • Wounds and bleeding
  • Anaphylaxia and Shock


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Teacher Helping African American Boy in School

School First Aid
(SFA) 1-6 hours

This course is suitable for all school staff, both Teachers and Support Staff ranging from a bespoke 1-2 hour session through to the more comprehensive 6 hour syllabus.



  • First Aid Priorities
  • Managing Incidents
  • Basic Life Support
  • Examination of a Casualty
  • Unconsciousness
  • Control of Bleeding
  • Burns and Scalds
  • Regulations
  • First Aid Kits
  • Recording and Reporting
  • Epi-Pen Administration


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First Aid Training - CPR

Emergency Life Support (ELS) 3 hours

This course is designed to develop the learner to know what to do in a emergency life threatening situation.

This course will focus on the skills to treat various life threatening illness and injuries. In addition it also covers the safe use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and is delivered following the protocols set by the Resuscitation Council (UK) Guidelines.


  • What is First Aid?
  • Action in an emergency
  • Primary survey
  • Secondary assessment
  • Resuscitation and AED
  • Disorders of respiration
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First aid training

Basic Life Support
(BLS) 1-2 hours

This course will give learners the skills and knowledge to act in an emergency situation providing the casualty with critical life-saving assistance until support arrives.


  • What is First Aid?
  • Action in an emergency
  • Primary survey
  • Secondary assessment
  • Resuscitation and AED
  • Disorders of respiration
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First aid training

Defibrillator Awareness (AED) 1-2 hours

Defibrillator training, including basic life support, will give you the confidence to act quickly if someone has a cardiac arrest. Delegates will also learn how to perform effective CPR.


A range of subjects are covered including:

• Dealing with an unresponsive casualty
• Assessment of the situation
• Paediatric defibrillation
• Defibrillation procedures
• Resuscitation
• AED safety and Functions

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Mental Health Consultation

Awareness in First Aid for Mental Health
(Level 1) 4 hours

This awareness course provides learners with the knowledge to recognise a suspected mental health condition and the skills to start a conversation and signpost a person towards professional help.


  • What is First Aid for Mental Health?
  • Identifying mental health conditions
  • Providing advice and starting a conversation
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Any questions. Shot of a mature businesswoman sitting and training her team in the office.

Award in First Aid for
Mental Health
(Level 2) 6 hours

This course is designed to help employers to create a positive mental health culture within the workplace and provide learners with a knowledge of mental health conditions.


FAA Level 2 Award in First Aid for Mental Health (RQF)


Anyone can be affected by a mental health condition either themselves or a family member, friend or colleague.

This course is suitable for everyone but has been designed to help employers to provide a positive mental health culture within the workplace and to provide learners with comprehensive knowledge on a range of the most common mental health conditions and the skills to be able to act should a condition be suspected.

Learners undertaking this course will be considered First Aiders for Mental Health and be a point of contact within the workplace to help and support those with a suspected mental health condition.

Building on the Level 1/4 Award in Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health this course introduces the First Aid for Mental Health Action Plan which allows learners to provide their peers with comprehensive guidance and support for a suspected mental health condition. Learners will be able to provide signposting to professional help and support that person whilst they are receiving professional assistance.

This course also covers the effects of drugs and alcohol and provides learners with the skills and knowledge to assist employers in implementing a positive mental health culture to support employees within a workplace.


A range of subjects are covered including:

  • What is First Aid for Mental Health?
  • Identifying mental health conditions
  • Providing advice and starting a conversation
  • Drugs and alcohol
  • First Aid for Mental Health action plan
  • First Aid for Mental Health in the workplace
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Young woman in psychologist office room receives support

Supervising First Aid for Mental Health
(Level 3) 12 hours

This course builds on the 1-day Award in First Aid for Mental Health and covers in a wider range of mental health conditions in comprehensive detail.

Anyone can be affected by a mental health condition either themselves or a family member, friend or colleague.

This course builds on the Level 2/5 Award in First Aid for Mental Health and covers a wider range of mental health conditions and goes into detail on the range of therapy and professional support that a person may be given by professional bodies during treatment for a mental health condition.

The course is suitable for all persons within a workplace but is aimed at those who hold a supervisory/managerial level position and who have responsibility for implementing a positive mental health culture and responsibility for First Aid for Mental Health within an organisation.


A range of subjects are covered including:

  • What is First Aid for Mental Health?
  • Identifying mental health conditions
  • Providing advice and starting a conversation
  • Drugs and alcohol
  • First Aid for Mental Health action plan
  • First Aid for Mental Health in the workplace
  • A large range of Mental Health conditions covered in detail
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Why Choose Us


First Aid North East is monitored and approved by the FAIB (First Aid Industry Body), to ensure the delivery of a high standard of training courses.

The FAIB has been set up to fill the void created by the HSE (Health & Safety Executive) withdrawing from the Approvals system, and to give a direct alternative to the SQA / Ofqual system.

The FAIB has been created by Ian Kershaw MBE, who previously managed the First Aid Approvals and Monitoring Service of the HSE from 1995-2007, and is operated through an Advisory Panel of democratically elected people from within Training Organisations, who are experts in the First Aid Training Industry.


What They Say About Us

Here are just a small collection of some of our client reviews that we have gathered.

Hello, my name is Julian Saul and I am Assistant Regional Director for Vocare, a leading organisation of out of hospital urgent care.  I have received firstaidnortheast CPR training in my previous role and found their service (both training and the administration) fantastic.

They are a friendly team and make you at ease with everything they do.  Since moving to my current role, I did look around for competitive quotes with a good level of service and found that firstaidnortheast was still right for me.  Firstaidnortheast have provided our teams with CPR and First Aid at Work training and they are still great.  I would personally recommend giving them a try - - great service and great training.

Julian Saul Vocare

We have used First Aid North East for many years now to train James Burrell employees. We have always found them to be friendly, passionate, knowledgeable and professional.

Paul - Health and Safety Manager James Burrell Builders Merchant

From making the initial enquiry through to the training delivery, First Aid North East offered a courteous, flexible and extremely customer orientated service who made planning, payment and attendance a simple and seamless process. Staff returned to the workplace enthusiastic and confident in their newly acquired skills and knowledge and with notable accountability towards safety and first aid in the workplace. Paperwork and certificates were issued with immediate effect, and I was considerately supplied with electronic copies of the documents. It was a pleasure to deal with such an efficient and skilled organisation. As such, I have no hesitation to recommend this company to others, particularly those seeking to make best use of their training budget. This is good quality training and excellent value for money

Claire Wakefield Director of Care

I instantly felt the company was well organised, this was also proved throughout the course.  All the subject knowledge was good and up to date. We also received first aid booklets, I really enjoyed the course and the company. Some larger companies can be very impersonal, but this company is friendly and cares about First Aid and the students.  I would strongly recommend this company to people wanting to go on first aid courses.

Larry Hamilton Teeside Training Services

Thank you for your informative and well run course, which has enabled our staff to cope with several major first aid emergencies on site with confidence and proficiency

Helen Scott National Trust